Realtor’s predictions for Muskoka’s summer waterfront property market

Be prepared for the long game By MuskokaRegion.comSaturday, March 11, 20232 min to read Many are wondering what is happening to the Ontario real estate market as summer approaches. The trends regularly reported in much of the province don’t hold true for the waterfront in Muskoka. To read the full article click here Muskoka waterfront properties […]
Muskoka Cottage Market 2023: What’s Ahead

Prime Muskoka waterfront is an anomaly in the world. Interest rates are rising and are higher than they were when money was “free” two years ago, but historically they are still very low. Demand is still strong, while the next few months will be a transitional period for buyers, by March, demand will intensify again. Not […]
History of Lake Muskoka and Cottages

Lake Muskoka is among the most beautiful getaways for Canadian families and tourists. Its geography and waterfront features are second to none, and you can expect a fun-filled vacation whenever you’re there. But how did Lake Muskoka become the cottage country that it is today? Here, we talk about Muskoka’s geography, history, and evolution to […]
Muskoka Flood Facts 2022

It’s supposedly spring in Muskoka (forgetting about the brisk -22C outside this am!) and that means all sorts of goodness but for those of us who are particularly Lake Muskoka obsessed it rings the bell on yet another POTENTIAL flood season. Many of you found me on Instagram or Facebook circa 2019 when my daily […]
House of the Week

House of the Week: $5 million for a woodsy cottage on Lake Muskoka TORONTO LIFE REAL ESTATE BY ALI AMAD | PHOTOGRAPHY BY ANDRE CARRIERE | NOVEMBER 8, 2021 Address: 1067 Marina RoadRegion: MuskokaAgent: Kelly Fallis, Sales Representative, Chestnut Park Real Estate Ltd., BrokeragePrice: $4,995,000 The place A bungalow on Lake Muskoka, located a 20-minute drive north […]
Muskoka’s new cottagers: Pandemic has supercharged our real estate market

City dwellers from southern Ontario have fled north to become first-time Muskoka home and cottage owners, setting new records for property prices and sales By Patti Vipond Thursday, May 13, 2021 6 min to read Muskoka’s real estate market from spring 2020 to the present could best be summarized in two words: unprecedented demand. […]
Lakes in Muskoka

The Big Three Lake Joseph Maximum Depth: 93 metres Major Fish Species: Lake Trout, Rainbow Trout, Whitefish, Northern PikeDistance from Toronto: 2-2.5 hours Lake Rosseau Maximum Depth: 60 metres Major Fish Species: Lake Trout, Rainbow Trout, Whitefish, Northern PikeDistance from Toronto: 2.5 hours Lake Muskoka Largest of the Big 3 Maximum Depth: 67 metres Major Fish Species: Lake Trout, Rainbow […]
‘It’s wild’: Demand for homes in recreational markets outpacing supply, brokers say

TARA DESCHAMPSTHE CANADIAN PRESS PUBLISHED APRIL 3, 2023 When Jamie Robinson thinks about the number of properties available in and around Alberta’s mountain mecca Banff, one word comes to mind: “horrendous.” “Basically, anything that’s for sale at this moment is selling fairly quickly, and so supply is definitely an issue,” said the real estate agent. […]
Bracebridge, the Muskoka Town with a Big Personality

Bracebridge is benefitting from all the Muskoka hype! This small Muskoka town has seen growth in so many areas over the past five years, but particularly since the pandemic. The result of the influx of interest in Muskoka, is growth in population, tourists, and therefore opportunity for many new entrepreneurial businesses from bagel bakery, to […]
What to do after this spring’s record flooding

Now what? After the record flooding this past spring, Canadian cottagers are reckoning with a new normal that means greater risk to their properties and less protection. This past spring, as historic flooding hit Central Ontario cottage country, Liz Beatty was grateful her great-grandparents built their Lake Muskoka cottage on high ground and situated the […]