
Lake Muskoka Cottagers: Take action today!

As I mentioned in the evening news brief last night everyone needs to CHANNEL their disbelief and anger of the Lake Muskoka 2019 flood collectively and quickly.  The PC Government of Ontario MUST UPDATE the current watershed management plan they are working from so its in sync with climate change and the new normal. Mega […]

Details of Expected Costs for Southern Muskoka – Blog

Building in Southern Muskoka

Building in Southern Muskoka Recall me saying I never knew someone buying a new cottage that thought it was 100% perfect! So renovation or rebuild ahead it likely is. And, whether you are new or old to Muskoka the education of options, requirements and providers is half the battle! Navigating how building permit fees goes […]

Muskoka: What To Expect

lake muskoka

It’s been 2 years since I checked in as a full-time Muskoka Resident and I’ve never been so engaged, so inspired or so over-programmed in my life.  This blog is my way of sharing all that coolness with you and while I aspire to do that consistently you know how life goes!  Through it you’re […]